

The Possum Freeway, trusted by thousands of satisfied users, has been dramatically re-designed to further enrich the lives of people with visual or cognitive impairment.

Using the latest technology, NewFreeway offers enhanced levels of control and accessibility while maintaining the adaptability and reliability you can expect from a Possum product.

What is different?

A technically enhanced range of features has been designed and developed to benefit improved accessibility, communication and control.

Where to buy

If you are a Business, Local Authority, Part of the NHS, Charity or any other type of company please contact us for more info or to place an order:

+44 (0) 1296 461 000


What does NewFREEWAY do?

  • NewFreeway is an infrared (IR) and radio frequency (RF) environmental controller that provides simple remote control of a wide range of domestic appliances and entertainment devices.
  • The intuitive interface can be accessed in 3 easy ways, including:
    1. Integral touch switch
    2. Wired switch
    3. IR Remote switch
  • providing a wider range of users access to environmental control and greater independence.
  • An integral Possum Telecare RF transmitter enables discreet activation of numerous wireless emergency communication devices including: the Info Pager, Novo Care phone or an existing nurse call system

Please read the flyer for more information

Please Note

The HC8002 remote is now obsolete and has been replaced by the ShortNLong 


Product Code: 034-635

Weight and Dimensions Approx

Weight: 726g

Height: 265mm

Width: 122mm

Depth: 38mm

If you are a Business, Local Authority, part of the NHS, Charity or any other type of company please contact us for more information or to place an order:

+44 (0) 1296 461 000

If you wish to purchase privately please contact

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For over half a century we have been at the forefront of supplying advanced Assistive Technology (AT) , Assisted Living.