This is a hugely challenging time for us all and our best wishes are with everyone.
In terms of our business, we are currently operating as business as usual. We continue to serve our customers and clients whilst protecting everyone as best as we possibly can.
Our Staff: We have taken steps to do everything we can to get as many people as possible working from home, this includes purchasing a number of laptops to facilitate home working for our Customer Services, Support and Finance teams who are usually fully office based. We have issued new guidelines, in keeping with the latest government advice, to all of our staff, office, home and field based, and encouraged everyone to conduct meetings and visits over voice and video call wherever possible.
We now have every member of staff who is able to work from home doing so full time. Staff are able to access their files and are working as normal, just from a different location. Our staff that are home based are available on their usual phone numbers so please contact them in the normal way.
Please use email rather than post to contact all of our staff wherever possible.
We have a small number of staff still coming into the Possum premises to carry out essential tasks like despatching products. However we have introduced new working practices for these staff, for example working alternate days or weeks to reduce their contact. As the numbers of staff we have coming into the office has been so drastically reduced we are doing our best to protect those who still do have to come in.
Stock and Supply: We carry good levels of stock and are still fulfilling our next day delivery criteria for post and pack items providing orders are placed before 1pm. We manufacture Possum products within the group so we have good stock of those. We have not had notice from any of our third party suppliers that they are running low on stock. We will continue to keep you updated if that changes.
If you have any questions on anything mentioned here or in our previous statement please get in touch with your usual contact at Possum.
I would also like to personally thank our staff, clients and customers for pulling together during these very testing times.
Philip Robinson
23 March 2020